Autumn Guide for Hair Loss

How to tackle hair loss this autumn

Many of us underestimate the importance of maintaining a good hair care routine throughout the whole year. In fact, making only slight adjustments to your hair care routine during the different seasons of the year can go a long way. 

Many of us tend to shed more hair in autumn season, which isn't particularly desirable, especially if you are already prone to hair loss, or have naturally thin hair. The change in seasons can cause havoc with our locks, so a well-catered hair care routine should be an essential part of you daily beauty routine.

Why do we lose more hair in autumn?  

During the hotter months, your hair flourishes, because sunlight triggers hair growth hormones. Autumn, however, brings rapid changes. Hair shedding in autumn is as natural as leaves falling. As the days grow shorter and colder, the roots of your hair go into dormancy and your hair begins to fall with the autumn leaves. Although this is a perfectly natural occurrence during this time of the year, hair loss sufferers should more than ever try to halt the shedding process.

Shedding seasons do tend to vary from person to person, but the majority of men and women tend to lose the more hair during the transition between summer and autumn.  Early spring season is also another common period for excess shedding.

Here, in our Autumn Guide for Hair Loss, we look at the most effective ways to prevent hair shedding, and help promote healthy, strong, hair growth, when your strands need it most...

Use the right shampoos

Stay on top of your hair care routine by using well-balanced shampoos with good anti-hair loss beneficiaries such as biotin and collagen. This will give your hair follicles the right amount of protein and nutrients needed for stronger, healthier hair growth.

Also, be sure to keep away from shampoos that are overly rich in chemicals and artificial additives. Always try and opt for the most natural product you can find, because they are much less likely to cause damage and breakage to your hair. 

Massage your scalp

Your hair will benefit with a simple daily scalp massage that will stimulate your sebaceous oil glands and increase the blood circulation to the scalp. If you're willing to take this step to the next level, you could try massaging an Argan Oil based formula into your scalp, as it is great for overall hair and skin health.

Booking yourself in for weekly head massages can be of great benefit to your hair.  Let the professionals work their fingers into your scalp, to help stimulate blood circulation, and encouraging better hair growth.  It sounds a bit far-fetched, but regular head massaging can really help minimise hair fall.

Eat the right foods

It's no myth - the better you eat, the better your hair will be. To get the best out of your hair and prevent shedding, make sure you eat plenty of 'hair food' that will give your body the correct nutrients to boost hair growth and prevent unwanted hair loss.

Please see our article 10 Foods That Prevent Hair Loss, to get a clear understanding of what foods and nutrients work best for combating hair loss.Food won't cure hair loss, but it can certainly play a key role in the overall health of your strands.

Wash your hair less often  

With your hair already in a fragile state heading into the new season, you should really avoid triggering even more damage to it. So, try and cut down on how often you wash your hair - we'd recommend wet washing it 2-3 times a week, maximum. Just remember, this is only a temporary adjustment leading up to the winter months. Once winter season arrives, you'll find your hair sprouting more than ever for that 'winter coat'.

Take vitamins

Hair vitamins are safe, easily to access, and highly effective.  More and more men and women are taking multi-vitamin supplements in order to get the best from their hair.  These types of supplements are packed with specific ingredients that can play a key role in preventing excess shedding, and promoting stronger hair growth.

Many people are seeing excellent results in their hair from taking multi-vitamin hair supplements, and they are fast becoming the most popular hair loss 'treatment' on the market.
autumn hair loss treatment

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