Skalp MicroPigmentation Review

How Effective is MicroPigmentation?

A few years ago I joked that I was going to have some hair tattooed onto my head - but little did I know that a tattoo, known as Scalp MicroPigmentation, specially created for use on the scalp would become the most viable solution for male pattern baldness.

Scalp MicroPigmentation or SMP consists of having your scalp tattooed with tiny dots that resemble the appearance of stubble, which gives you the appearance of having a shaved head. Unlike a hair transplant, there’s no invasive surgery, no scarring and no down time.

I started to lose my hair in my early twenties and was bald by my mid twenties. Losing my hair was not something that really bothered me - but I always hated how tall my head seemed; my forehead just seemed to go on and on!

When I heard about what Skalp were offering I was very interested - but also very skeptical. The thought of tattooing stubble onto my head raised so many questions: what would all my friends and co-workers think? What if it turned green the first time I went out in the sun? What if it wasn’t convincing?


I agreed to go ahead with the treatment and a week later I was back at Skalp’s Manchester clinic for the first of 3 treatments. I’d never had a tattoo before so I didn’t really know what to expect. I personally didn’t find the first treatment painful at all. The first treatment is just the foundation. The first layer of tiny dots spanned the entirety of my bald area and the hairline was apparent, although the dots weren’t yet dense enough to be convincing.

A week later I was back for the second treatment. This provided the next layer of the
tiny dots. The pain was comparable to the first treatment. The second treatment fortified the work done in the first session and the treatment was now really taking shape. The third session added another layer of tiny dots. Skalp focused on any patchy areas from the previous sessions and merging the treatment in with my existing hair. I found the pain in the third treatment the most, particularly on the sides of the head - although it was bearable. After 3 hours the treatment was now finished.


For guys like me who already shave their head or have gotten used to having closely cropped hair, Skalp provide an immediate, cost effective and perfect solution to hair loss backed up by great staff, a great approach and a great after sales service. Scalp MicroPigmentation is a great solution to hair loss and male pattern baldness.


Treatment cost depends on the level of pigmentation required but as a guide 3 treatments for a Norwood scale level 3-4 pattern balding will cost around £2000 and full coverage of a completely bald head will cost £3000 plus VAT.

For more information
Call 0845 094 1516 or visit

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