Reasons Why Hair Loss is so Horrible

Suffering from hair loss has to be the most confidence-sapping thing any man or woman can ever go through.Losing your hair can be a devastating time in our life, and it can also quite easily damage your self-confidence. 

Acting quickly is the key to beating hair loss, usually with a solid hair care routine, consisting of treatments that work for you individually. 

A lot of people who start losing their hair at an early age all share the same feelings and emotions during the process. Having thinning hair, particular when you are young, can be quite soul-destroying, and here are some common reasons why people dread hair loss.

Here's our list of reasons why hair loss is probably the most horrible thing on the planet...  

All your mates seem to have hair

You're thinning, there's little you can do about it, and just when you think things can't get any worse, you notice that all your friends still seem to have luscious thick locks, and solid hairlines.  This sort of situation can make a man (or woman) feel frustrated, angry, resentful, and most depressingly, alone. 

There isn't a cure for baldness

It doesn't matter how effective the treatments are, the bottom line is - there is still no cure for hair loss. Although some people have managed to prevent balding, it would be really assuring for all of us if we knew there was a cure that would make the problem go away. Unfortunately, there isn't, and it doesn't look like we'll find one any time soon. .

Women hate bald men

Well, at least that's what most guys think. Any balding man will tell you that one of the first things they think to themselves during hair loss is how less attractive they will become. Now, in reality, this isn't strictly true - there are plenty of guys who look great with no hair, but, generally speaking, hair is usually preferred, especially on young men.  Also, just spare a thought for women with thinning hair - it's a lot worse being a woman with thinning hair than it is being a man.

Losing your hair is slow and painful!

Now, for the most part, balding is a very slow and torturous process, but some men bald very quickly. Most men would just prefer to lose their hair quickly, so they can shave it all off and get on with their lives. But other men are keener to try and hold onto their hair for as long as possible - that way it gives them more time to find a treatment that could potentially work. Either way, losing your hair is a real pain in the backside.

Going bald is expensive 

Trying to prevent hair loss can be a very expensive process. Hair loss treatments alone can cost up to £150 per month, which is not cheap. Most treatments for hair loss are ongoing, therefore treating the problem is also an ongoing thing, and for many, something they'll do for the rest of their lives.
There's also expensive procedures such as hair surgery, which can cost anything up to £30,000.
It just seems to unfair that some people don't even have to worry about these things, with their full heads of hair.

You feel less confident without hair

Losing your hair can destroy one's self-confidence. It has a horrible habit of doing that. Men and women who suffer from hair loss often feel less confident in everything about life. Thinning can can make one feel unattractive, low in self-esteem, and depressed. In fact, a large number of men and women who suffer from hair loss admit to being severely depressed about it.

You feel like your youth has gone

There's nothing worse than feeling old, and one of the common things about getting older, is that your hair becomes thinner. For any person, particularity in their 20s or even 30s, suffering from hair loss can really make you feel like your youth is well and truly behind you. That, in itself, can be really soul-destroying.

Paranoia can set in

Hair loss sufferers often feel paranoid about losing their hair, especially the people who try and cover it up. If someone comments on your hair, it can be hugely embarrassing. Some people live like this on a daily basis - living in fear that someone will notice their thinning hair.

Being bald doesn't suit you

Well, it's alright for Dwayne Johnson or Bruce Willis to be bald, because it actually suits them perfectly. But, for some, being bald can look ridiculous. If you're a pretty boy, or have a baby face, then the mere thought of shaving your locks off can send shudders through you in an instant. Life can certainly be cruel, and it doesn't get much crueller than that.

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