How To Stop Hair Loss: New Year's Hair Care Resolutions

how to stop hair loss 2022

Tackling Hair Loss in the Year Ahead

With a new year comes a bunch of resolutions, and if you are experiencing hair loss, then it's likely that one of your resolutions will be related to that.  Hair loss occurs in the majority of men and women, and without a cure, it's a problem that's not about to go away any time soon. 

The good news is, we are surrounded by an array of hair loss treatments that can prevent excessive hair shedding, and help maintain the function of healthy hair growth. There are even instances whereby the some hair can be regrown, albeit to a minor extent. 

So, for our first post of the year, we look at some new year's resolutions worth considering, in order to help you fight baldness, and maintain healthy hair growth. Here's are some handy tips... 

Do Your Research

Many people make the common mistake of buying the first hair loss treatment they come across. The hair loss treatment market is vast, and to be honest, the majority of these treatments do not work. 

There are only a select few treatments that can give you genuinely good results, therefore it is a good idea to get to know the market's products and treatments, before weighing up your options. 

Doing a little research can go a long way. 

Assess Your Hair Loss

Be honest when you assess your hair loss. It's easy to be in denial about such a sensitive subject, but the more honest you are about it, the better chance you will have of tackling it effectively. 

Once you have assessed your hair loss type, it's cause, and the stage of thinning you are at, you'll be in a strong position to find the necessary treatment. 

From here, you will have to decide if you are willing to go down the medical treatment route, which can come with negative side-effects, or whether you would prefer to stick to safe and natural hair loss treatments. Either way, hair loss can be tackled effectively with the right plan. 

Assemble a Hair Care Plan

Tackling hair loss isn't necessarily about using just one treatment. The best and most advanced results usually come from a good hair care plan. 

Once you've established what your hair loss type is, your next step is to find what treatments work best to combat it. The advantage of using multiple products, as part of a hair care plan, is that many treatments become more effective when used in conjunction with other treatments. 

So, be sure to research hair care plans that combine treatments for optimal results. Here's an example of a good hair care plan for treating hair loss: The Best Hair Loss Prevention Routine

Be Patient

Battling hair loss is not a sprint - it's a marathon. So, before you start your journey, always think of it as a long term project. Treating hair loss takes time, but once you find the right treatment plan that works for you, the rewards will be worth it. 

Treatments like minoxidil, keratinocyte growth factor (KGF), and HR23+, all need continuous use over a good stretch of time in order to see the best results. Many people tend to lose patience and drop off at an early stage, which harms the progress. 

Settle on a treatment/treatment plan, and then stick to it. Preventing hair loss is no easy task, therefore patience is absolutely key. Implement your treatments into your daily routine - this will make it easier to stick to. 

Worry Less

Worrying about your hair will only worsen the issue. Stress is known to be a common cause of hair loss, therefore you should try not to worry about hair loss, and focus more of your energy on tackling it.

Once you establish a good hair care plan, implement it into your daily routine, and then just get on with your day-to-day living. Don't obsess with the progress of your treatment plan - just let it do its thing, and then assess the progression once every three to four weeks. 

By simply doing something about your hair loss, you'll feel more content, and you'll worry less. 

HR23+ hair loss treatment

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