Female Hair Loss Treatment Reviews

Hair loss doesn't just affect men. In fact, it can affect up to 50 percent of women by the age of 40. That really is a staggering stat, and one which not that many people are aware of.

Hair loss in women often has a greater impact than hair loss does on men, because it's less socially acceptable for them. Thinning hair can severely affect a woman's emotional well-being and quality of life. It can be very disheartening, and soul-sapping.

The most common cause of baldness in women is androgenetic alopecia, or female (or male) pattern hair loss. Women who suffer from androgenetic alopecia will notice gradual thinning at the part line, followed by increasing diffuse hair loss radiating from the top of the head. A woman's hairline rarely recedes, and women rarely become bald, but it can become thin enough for the scalp to be very visible.

There are no cures for hair loss, which sounds crazy when you consider how far humans have come with science and technology. We can put a man on the moon, but we're still unable to find a cure for baldness. However, there are effective ways you can treat thinning hair. Some treatments are better than others, but, ultimately, you can prevent excess shedding, and stimulate healthy hair growth.

Taken from various review sites, here are some hair loss treatment reviews from women who have had some success treating their baldness. Please note, that most products work differently from person-to-person, but these reviews should give you a general idea of what products and treatment are out there, and which ones are worth trying.

Treatment: The Ordinary - Multi-Peptide Serum For Hair Density
Reviewer: Female, 37.

I've suffered from hair loss for a few years now, it started after I gave birth to my second child. I tried a few treatments, and finally settled on The Ordinary Multi-Peptide Serum For Hair Density. I feel like the shedding has slowed down and my hair feels much fuller and healthier. It hasn't stumped the hair loss completely, but it's definitely helped.

Treatment: OGX - Biotin & Collagen Shampoo
Reviewer: Female, 31.

My hair doesn't respond well to most shampoos, but I've found a gem here. This shampoo lathers so well, and leaves my hair with a thicker texture. I've even noticed less hair falling out, which is a huge bonus. I couldn't be happier with this, and if you have naturally thin hair like me then I recommend this shampoo highly.

Treatment: HR23+ - Hair Restoration Supplement
Reviewer: Female, 34.
I did some research on HR23+ and decided to try it out. Within the first month, I noticed my hair loss slowing down. Then in the following months I noticed my body, texture and volume significantly improve. Many other benefits such as very strong nails, better skin, and my hair became curlier and fuller. I decided to try another product, Monat, to see if I could regrow my areas of thinning. So I stopped taking the HR23+ to see if this new product would actually help me regrow my hair. Within 6 weeks I had lost 3 times as much hair before I started and then I stopped abruptly after taking advice from my hair stylist. I started back in the HR23+ again and within 10 days the hair loss (which was by the handfuls) had gone to a minimum and maintained low losses. My hair texture has returned to a better fuller and curlier mane than when I was on Monat shampoo. So far, in my last 6 years of trying hair loss products, the HR23+ is the only thing that has actually improved my hair quality and reduced the hair loss volume I experience daily.

Treatment: VIVISCAL - Maximum Strength Tablets
Reviewer: Female, 42.

I've suffered from hair loss for quite a number of years. It started in my 30s and progressed slowly over time. I have tried numerous treatments, and some work better than others. I have been using Viviscal for a few years, and although it hasn't regrown any hair, I do feel it has at least slowed down the shedding, somewhat.  I feel it has improved the texture of my hair,and I'll continue to use for now. I would recommend for women who are perhaps suffering from earlier stages of hair loss. I feel I may have started using it at he more advanced stages of my thinning, which I regret.

Treatment: Kérastase Specifique - Cure Apaisante
Reviewer: Female, 29.
I use Cure Apaisante daily, and it seems to work quite well. My feels stronger, and there appears to be less strands falling out. This hasn't cured my thinning by any stretch of the imagination, but it has definitely helped make improvements to my hair. The texture and thickness is better.

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