Is Adegen a Hair Loss Cure or Just Another Scam?

 Adegen hair loss treatments review

By David Griffiths 

Having worked in the hair loss industry for over 12 years, I often stumble across various hair loss treatments on the market that make such far-fetched claims about reversing baldness. In fact, it's rare that I don't come across at least a handful of new treatments every single month. 

The real question is: Do any of these hair loss treatments actually work, and how effective can they be? In short, the answer is, for the most part, no. There is no known cure for hair loss on the market, and despite what companies like Adegen tell you, that's the harsh reality of the situation.

So, without even trying to get your hopes up about Adegen being a cure for baldness, I'll tell you right now that this brand is NOT, in any way, shape or form, a cure for hair loss. 

Having said that, there are treatments on the market that can minimise hair loss, so, if Adegen is not a cure, then how effective can it be for treating hair loss?  Let's delve deeper into this brand to find out... 


What is Adegen?

Founded by John Goss, Adegen is a range of hair products that claims to reverse the effects of baldness and thinning hair in men and women. The product range includes:


First up, we have what Adegen claim to be "the world's best shampoo" for protecting against thinning hair. According to Adegen's founder, John Goss, he himself spent over $50,000 of his own money testing and analysing different shampoos in laboratories under mass spectrometry to determine their level of active ingredients. When asked if he could prove this claim, Goss did not respond. 


adegen shampoo review

 "...there is absolutely no evidence that this
shampoo can in any way stop hair loss"


Upon close inspection, the shampoo does not contain any revolutionary ingredients that would suggest it can help reverse hair loss or even minimise thinning hair. There is absolutely no evidence of this shampoo being able to do anything that John Goss claims it can do. And at $69.95 per bottle, I am amazed he's got the audacity to charge such an extortionate fee for a shampoo that is nothing more than average, at best. 

Shampoos do not reverse hair loss in any way. The only shampoo on the market that has shown to help reduce hair loss is Nizoral, due to its active ingredient, ketoconazole. So, if you're looking to reduce hair loss with a shampoo, you'd seriously be best off using Nizoral. 

Topical Solution

Next up we have the topical solution, which again, the brand makes far-fetched claims about. This solution is basically just Minoxidil (5%), with the addition of Biotin, Niacin and Caffeine. 

Now, if you're not already aware, Minoxidil is the only medically approved topical treatment for hair loss. There are many brands of Minoxidil, and the most commonly known one is Regaine/Rogaine. The Adegen solution would not offer you better results than any other brand of Minoxidil, and so, again, I am astonished by the price tag of $69.95, for this product. You can purchase the near exact same product under a cheaper brand for a fraction of this price. Kirkland, for example, offer Minoxidil in both liquid and foam form, at less than one third of the price of Adegen.  


adegen topical solution review

 "...there is nothing to suggest that this is more
effective than cheaper Minoxidil brands"


If you're looking to try Minoxidil, then you would be far better off buying a cheaper brand, because any results you may have, will be exactly the same. Be warned, though, because although Minoxidil is FDA approved, it is NOT a cure for hair loss. Results tend to be very minimal with Minoxidil, and negative side effects are a common occurrence with many users.


The Brush

I always try to refrain from being cynical when reviewing these sorts of brands, but sometimes it's awfully difficult to keep a straight face. I nearly fell off my chair when I saw what Adegen were charging for their SM Brush. $19.95 for a small piece of plastic???    


adegen brush review

 "...Adegen products are simply overpriced
and not very effective"


John Goss claims that, by using the Adegen SM Brush, you are stimulating the scalp and increasing critical circulation while simultaneously removing dandruff, pore-clogging sebum, and increasing the absorption of Adegen Shampoo’s active ingredients to the hair follicle. Now, I'm not saying there isn't some truth in that theory, even if very little, but in reality, if you wanted to stimulate your hair while shampooing, you could quite easily do so with a plastic brush that costs a fraction of this one. 

The bottom line is, there isn't a shampoo on the market that can reverse hair loss, so the claim Adegen is making is absolutely false. You would seriously be better off just buying a cheaper shampoo, because the only thing that differentiates Adegen products from others is the price. 

The Roller 

The derma roller is the final product in the Adegen range, and again, like it's counterparts, it doesn't offer anything new in the way of treating hair loss. Derma rollers have been used for treating hair loss for the most part of a decade now, and to be fair, some people have experienced relatively good improvements in their hair. However, I should state that any results from using a derma roller will be minimal, and you should not expect the sort of miracle results that this brand claims. 


adegen derma roller review

 "...a standard derma roller
with a hefty price tag"


Adegen claims that the needle depth and configuration of their derma roller is unique, and that it is more effective than any other on the market. The truth is, there is absolutely no evidence to suggest that this derma roller will offer you better results than any other derma roller on the market, and just to put things into perspective, you can purchase a good derma roller for under $10.00 on places like Amazon. Adegen are charging $69.95 for theirs. I don't know how anyone can justify spending that kind of money on a derma roller. It's just madness! 


So, Who is John Goss?

John Goss is the founder of Adegen. He's put his name and face to the brand, so you can read his 'story' on the Adegen website. 

Much like his eBook, which I'll get onto in a moment, John Goss gives us a very long-winded story about his personal experience with hair loss. You know how it goes - the struggle with hair loss, the depression etc. - all very generic, and something I've read a million times before. 

Then Goss talks about his determination to come up with a cure for baldness (or how to make money, maybe?). So, we're taken through his process of developing these treatments for hair loss, after years of research and financial spend. This all seems highly exaggerated, as you'd expect from a salesman with this sort of structure to his brand. 

Anyway, you'll see the same kind of thing in his eBook, Hair Loss Secrets, which is just another very long-winded pitch, eventually leading to the promotion of the Adegen range. 

saw palmetto treatment for hair loss

I have studied the hair loss sector for well over a decade now, and I have reviewed countless brands, treatments and products. I can tell you, there is absolutely nothing in the Adegen range that stands out, or offers anything new or revolutionary. This range contains basic hair products that will NOT treat hair loss to any significant effect.

Goss also runs a Facebook group called Hair Loss Secrets, which has over 2000 members. Again, much like the whole Adegen brand, it all feels like a cold sales pitch, with the Adegen products at the centre of it all. Member's posts need to be approved by John Goss before they are published, and there appears to be a large number of fake accounts in the group, with fake reviews and testimonials. 

It's pretty evident that much of what Adegen does is fabricated, and manipulated, in order to sell the products. It doesn't appear to be a very honest brand, and John Goss doesn't appear to be a very genuine person.

Is it worth trying Adegen products? 

In short, no. Adegen products are grossly overpriced, and they will not stop hair loss or reverse it. That's the simple fact of the matter. 

It seems if you dare try to talk about anything other than Adegen products, you will be removed from the Hair Loss Secrets Facebook group, and then blocked.  This has happened to many people. It seems that Goss is particularity intent on keeping the scam-busters at large. 

Aside from the fact that Goss himself has had a hair transplant (I know, you couldn't make it up), he's also claimed to have invested over one million of his own dollars into the brand, and says he "can't keep up with the demand". How much of that stat is true, we don't know, but the bragging gesture says a lot about this man as a person. The disingenuous salesmen are always the ones who like to brag... 

Anyway, that's my take on the whole John Goss/Adegen brand. If you don't want to waste your hard earned money, then stay well clear of Adegen. You would seriously be better off trying treatments that are more affordable, and that actually work!


foods that help hair growth

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  1. Proving once again....hope springs eternal!

  2. Yeah, spot on with this review. Adegen is a sham. I've watched some of John's videos and they're cringeworthy. I think he's convinced himself that it works. They don't.

    Remember this guy had a hair transplant, that's why he's got hair, not because of some silly shampoo. People who waste their money on this need to wake up !!

  3. I was just as sceptical as you, but the protocol is well constructed and it works very well. Adegen topical is vastly superior to normal Minoxidil, you forgot to mention that this topical includes ARB patented DHT blocking complex and Tretinoin.

    1. I take that back, I had some growth, but the product is big scam. They ban people from FB group who do not get results from Minoxidil, which is the only thing working in this protocol...

  4. Hi, have you tried the protocol? id be interested to know.....

  5. David Griffiths
    You should man up and actually get some facts.
    I have 5 ppl including myself with results of growing back hair.
    So far none of the people I know haven't got results.
    You are the scam.

    1. So, what you're saying is, Adegen is a cure for hair loss?

    2. Mac Grant: You don't know _me,_ but if you _did,_ you'd have the example of at least one person who hasn't got results anywhere significant enough to justify the expense.

  6. I'm seeing hair returning all the way up to my original hair line.
    So much bs in this market and a guy actually gets results and your pushing the same old crap that doesn't work.

    1. We both know that's a far-fetched claim.

    2. The point is he has just repackaged a cheaper product, wrote a book of the back of stolen ideas then changed a premium for it.

      The biggest giveaway of the rip off prices are the brushes and the roller.

      He even had the audacity to claim he traveled the world designing the brush.

      That is just bullshit snake oil salesman tactics.

      You wanna keep getting mugged of then fire on but I’m telling you for a fact, follow the protocol with much much cheaper products and you will see the same results if you are lucky enough to get any.

      There will never be negative reviews on adegens group because they will never be allowed.

      You will only see the good because that’s what John wants.

      Adegen won’t last forever. It’s just a money grab.

    3. Spot on, Cudge. Adegen is a load of rubbish, and deep down, John knows it.

  7. I wouldn't call adegen a scam, as such, but it's nothing revolutionary. It's overpriced, so you'd be better off investing in cheaper alternatives like Kirkland for example.

  8. Have you even tried it for the recommended 3 months it takes to work? I have and it works! You should really do your "research" before breaking down a product. It takes three months to work and it's about the combined routine of the solution, consistency, and brushes together. You don't have to reinvent the wheel for something to be effective, sometimes it's about putting the right puzzle pieces together in an innovative way. Look at the before and after pictures and talk to the plethora of happy customers before making uneducated statements like this review. Those customers will tell you the results were not only increased hair growth and thickness, but increased self-esteem, self-love, and confidence a lot of them haven't felt in years. What is more genuine and priceless than that?

    1. Hi John, where can I see pictures and testimonials from your customers? I'm keen to try your products to see if they work but I would like to see the results frist. Thanks

    2. I am literally skeptical of everything. I have tried all kind of products over the years and nothing. Even the top rated ones. Minoxidil works ok and Finesteride seems to keep the hair where it's at. But nothing seems to be a game changer. I watched a few videos of Adegen and decided to give it a shot. I have been on it for 6 weeks and I can tell you it's starting to work. New hairs are popping up all over. They started out like peace fuzz but started getting longer and changing color. My barber even asked what have I been doing to my hair. Listen, I know each person may have different results if any. But I know it has been working for me personally. Take it however you want. But to say it is a scam or doesn't work is simply not true. Especially in my case.

  9. This isn't John, it's a customer but a lot are on the Facebook group.

  10. I ain't John lol, what is wrong with you. How can you forget to mention crucial ingredients in your review?

  11. Isn't retin-a (tretinoin), one of the ingredients in the topical a prescription only medication?

  12. The number of spelling and grammar mistakes are what makes me question everything on Adegen the most.

  13. This reviewer doesn't know anything about the product and if it works. I'm in the facebook group and have been using the products for 3 months now and have had amazing results. Did this person even do a little more inspection and inquiry? He seemed determined to disregard the product as a scam. I don't need to convince anyone here to use it, just thought I'd comment because I'm amazed how bad the blog article was.

    1. Is that you again, John?

    2. Whoever you really are, "holly," you are lucky if you are truly getting results. It's been over 6 months on Adegen for me now w/ _NO_ tangible results. Maybe the original poster/reviewer here didn't research well enough, as you say, but the same cannot apply to myself, IMO, after 6 months of Adegen shampoo, 10X roller_ing every second day, 3 different topicals (5, 5S and 15,) brushes and Niacin (vit B3) tablets. Its time for me to pull the pin on all of this $$$ spent on something that (for Me at least) doesn't work. It really is a pity, and I really did have high hopes.

  14. Who funds this website anyway? Competing hair loss products? haha, I don't know, just a genuine question because of how silly this article was.

  15. Duh. Hahahha what a hater! Reminds me of the Kat Williams skit talking about let the hater do their job... to hate. Go on and say my hair is not luxurious because you know it is. These products work! Don't pay haters any mind... the products are fantastic and everyone who has tried them knows that... thank you adegen and John Goss!!!!!! God's work

    1. You sound like one of John's puppets from that godawful Facebook group - you know, the one that boots people for not saying what John wants them to say.

    2. Y’all are funny. Talk shit while you go bald dumb fuckers hahahaha. Have fun losing the rest of your hair cuz you are afraid to invest in the only product that works. There is a science to it and id be willing to personally video chat anybody who doubts it via Facebook messenger and show my results. And im sure many other people in the group would as well. I thought it was a scam too until everyone i contacted got back to me in a timely manner and answered any and all questions. Everyone in the group is positive because they are getting results not because its fake accounts. Idek why im bothering responding to the doubters. Have fun going bald guys. I have spread the word about this stuff simply based off my results and the results my friend had using it after i recommended it to him.

    3. Brofy, is that you again, John?

    4. Howdy "Unknown;" I'm definitely one of the "anyones" that have tried Adegen for over 6 months and found _NO_ results what so ever. Post a link to your results and the members here can judge for themselves. Ideally you want to be in the same room, with the same lighting, the same time of day and the same person taking the pics from the same angles.

  16. You can tell adegen is a scam, simply based on how easily people seem to get so triggered. These comments are clearly all by John himself. No real customer would be that defensive of a brand they're making no money from. You've kind of shot yourself in the foot there, John.

    1. Dude its not fake man join the group and message some of the customers who have had active facebook accounta that post frequently for 10+ years. Think what you want but this shit works and if you message me on facebook id be more than happy to video chat you and show my results personally

  17. Damn I gotta say... these comments from John (clearly) are hilarious. People just want reviews, testimonials, and honesty.. like any good product would be happy to provide

  18. He’s right I’m in the adegen fb group and it does work

  19. I thought it was a scam too but it really isn’t

    1. IMO, you're one of the lucky ones, Man. _I_ have seen _NO_ tangible results in over 6 months. It does not justify the $$$ and duties I'm paying; at least not yet, anyways.

  20. There's so many people on Adegen's Facebook group that has grown hair & it looks amazing!!!

    Is that a scam?

    One troubling thing is the Facebook group is moderated, your posts need to be approved before it gets posted, I had a question, asked to seek out answers from the group & it was rejected!

    Commenting on other people's posts is instant though

    If John Goss is here to help people, that was definitely not helpful

    So the moderated Facebook group gave me bad feelings since no bad posts on Adegen & how it doesn't work will ever get posted

    1. It solved my hairloss man. They dont like negativity on the page but all questions and concerns are published

    2. Yes, quite a few people's comments were removed from that Facebook group. If comments don't fall into line with what John wants, then they're not published.
      It's a matter of time until Trading Standards get hold of John. You just can't make claims like the ones he does with Adegen unless you're FDA approved.

      Once this pandemic is over, I think Adegen will get shut down. For John now, it's just a matter of making as much money as he can until then.

  21. I'm a bit sceptical. I'm using it and I'm seeing results but I'm starting to think it is just a overpriced version of dualgen-15.
    They are almost identical, even the shampoos is almost the same except adegen has ARB formula and minoxidil max shampoo has Keteconzale.

    I'm tempted to try out minoxidil max stuff shampoo and dualgen-15 but continuing the same protocol of head massaging and derma rolling.

    See, I dont mind if he has reinvented the wheel because the process works but you only have to look at the obscene price of the brushes and the roller(which I own) to realise that his profit margins on the shampoo and topical are most likely obscene as well.

    If you search real needle derma roller on amazon you will find the same one for £10 and you can buy 4 brushes for £5 which are exactly the same.

    There comes a point where profit margins are just taking the piss.

    As a comparison, I can buy 3 bottles of dualgen 15 for the price of 1 adegen 15 and the shampoo from minoxidil max is $40 instead of Adegens $70 if I remember correctly.

    When I receive my shampoo from minoxidil max and I end up finding out that it is blue that will really peak the suspicions lol.

    Anyway. Wish me luck

    1. I actually also just realised that as well as having identical ingredients, Dualgen has its special ABN complex and Agegen has its special ARB complex.

      The Mrs also pointed that both products have Gen at the end and that is something I never even thought about even though it's so obvious. 😬

    2. but are they the same? I see so many people on Adegen growing hair, the reviews on DualGen-15 With PG Plus are also pretty good but going by the results I'm seeing on Adegen's Facebook page, I'll just fork over alittle more & try it

      If after the 3 months I don't see any hair growth then I'll try DualGen-15 With PG Plus

      Too bad you can't ask on the Adegen board, it will never get approved, that is 1 very bad mark on Adegen, the board is moderated like what a Communist Government would be like 😆 🤣

  22. Well here is the thing, there is a lot of talk over the last few years about hard head massaging with a rounded wood bristle brush, some people even claiming results with just that.

    There has also been a lot of talk over the last few years about dermarolling and some good results.

    If you actually read the added ingredient in both adegen and dualgens shampoos they are very similar and are full with ingredients that have been proven to at least help with scalp issues and as a result help with hair loss.

    There has always been hit or miss results with Minoxidil but what happens when you out all the above things together and stay consistent?
    You get results.

    I cant remember the name of each brand s"special" ingredient complex(abn and arb I think) but what I can tell you is, dualgen says what is in theres and adegen doesnt however the ingredient that are in dualgen complex are in adegen.

    Similar names, dualgen/adegen similar special ingredient name, ABN/ARB(or something like that).

    Same level of minoxidil and very very similar if not the same ingredients across the shampoo and the topical solution.

    Surely these things are not just a coincidence.

    I would love to believe Its not just an overpriced dualgen RIP off but there is a few factors that make me doubt that as well..

    1 being John's attempts to avoid the hair transplant talk in the beginning. Quite naive to think a bunch of bald guys couldnt spot a hair transplant from a mile of.

    2 is the price of the roller and the brushes. They are unbelievably expensive and I dont care what John says, if you order a 'real' titanium needle dermaroller from Amazon for 10 bucks it is exactly the same, yet he charges nearly 70. I know because I bought both rollers.

    And 3 is the same with the brushes. I bought 4 for £5 of Amazon(yes 1.25 each while he charges 20 each) because I wanted to see if they were different. Other than colours, no difference at all.

    So the chances of his products being an overpriced dualgen knock off seems pretty high to me.

    High enough that I'm gonna buy dualgen and find out.

    1. Yo, Cudge: this post was made in January. Did you try DualGen, and did you get results? I ask because I just cannot afford to keep going with Adegen payments and duties (I have not seen ANY results, IMO). TIA for any response positive or negative on comparing Anegen-DualGen

  23. Yup. My problems with Adegen is the same as everyone else’s.

    Moderated FB group.

    John had hair transplants!!! (And still has a high hairline). I wonder why his true hairline hasn’t creeped down over his transplant line if the products work that well??? Or why his frontal hair density isn’t filling in between the transplants??? You would think the guy using these products the longest would have significant hair density along his frontal line if the products works as claimed.

    Products are WAY over priced for what they are.
    You can get all his promoted products for a fraction the cost. I hate that kind of mentality and poor business ethic. Not cool to capitalize on the misfortunes of others, let’s be fucking fair here!
    Relabeling and price gouging discredits the claims. Ya ya he says his products are redesigned but when compared to what else is on the market you will quickly see there’s NO significant difference.

    As far as claims from the customers; I have seen varying results. I think these results are somewhat over inflated. A lot of the before and after pics are showing more mass by volume as opposed to actually follicle density. If you have a 100 hairs at 1 inch on day one and then by day 60 you have 100 hairs at 3 inch’s you will have 3X the hair mass. Which will give the appearance of more hair. Will you excite and turn on some dormant follicles. Probably. And this is good, however.... once a follicle is dead it’s dead!!!! That’s why you don’t see the natural density in John’s hairline and that’s why most people probably won’t get their full head of hair back without some kind of mechanical or stem cell treatment.

    Something just doesn’t add up or feel right with this guy (John) My gut has never been wrong.

    I wish his clients the best of Luck and I encourage them to do their due diligence on the products and John himself.

    Does the system as a whole work? Probably yes! But not quite as well as people hope or claim. It’s easy to get blinded when dealing with such a sensitive issue with the high hopes that come with it.

    1. I’m betting the people that don’t have results and question it on the group, never get their post accepted.

    2. Yea, people that don't see results, we never hear from on Facebook since their post never get posted! lol

      All the people that have results are like the 5% so the gullible thinks everyone will get the same results

      I haven't seen results from 4-5 differant hair products I've used, I'm going to give Adegen a try

    3. John is a salesman. He'll try and sell as many products as he can before he gets shut down. It's really that simple.

  24. PS the writer of the main article is as immature as it gets and his comments make me cringe. How fucking unprofessional! He discredits everything he says by his childish attitudes don’t comments. So both John and the writer of the article in question got my spidy senses going into over drive. Poor fucking form. I wonder if the writer of said article is bald???

  25. i tried adegen for 4 months, Did nothing, what a scam

  26. Actually, selling compounded minoxidil like Adegen (minoxidil mixed with other compounds) is illegal, without a doctor's prescription in the US and Canada. The FDA will eventually catch up to them, but if you want to submit a complaint:

    1. Yes that's true, its' illegal without a prescription. If enough people tell the FDA they will be in a lot of trouble.

    2. I don't want to "report" anybody. I want an independent review of these products (all of them) by scientists trained in the art/science of validation of medicaments, much like they're doing with the COVID vaccines.

  27. Selling 15% minoxidil without a prescription is very much illegal in the US. Easy to report to fda:

    1. He should be reported. They'll probably find it's only 5%, but he's lying in order to make it look revolutionary.

  28. I've been using the whole family of Adegen products as per the instructions since the last trimester of 2020, and I have seen ABSOLUTELY NO improvement at all. This is at least six months in; enough time for any scalp response to manifest itself. Neither has my barber seen any real change on my head. He has absolutely nothing to gain (and some real business to lose) when he tells me the truth about my hair health. I say this because he was excited to present Adegen to some of his clients- provided that it worked on my own head first. As to what some of the Adegen proponents are saying here: I know of at least 2 REAL users who are in the same boat as myself. I will not express these views on the Adegen FaceBook page, because I know what happens to the dissenters. That is the most important result of all: the fact that the actions on the Adegen FaceBook page speak louder than words. What is needed is independent verification by disinterested scientists who have no axe to grind while using an objective way to quantify results. Granted, that's a tall order to fill, but still a damn sight better than the owner of the page controlling what people are allowed to say. It really is a shame. How long can this go on before the FDA and other authorities come down on Adegen, or do they not care?

    1. I'm sorry to hear that you were sucked in by this scam. Lesson learned

  29. As I said above: I don't want to "report" anybody. I want an independent review of these products (all of them) by scientists trained in the art/science of validation of medicaments, much like they're doing with the COVID vaccines.

  30. So has anyone ditched Adegen & switched to DualGen-15 With PG Plus??

    Are you seeing same results because Adegen is working for me, I don't want to switch & lose all my gains if DualGen-15 With PG Plus doesn't work!

    I'm thinking of using DualGen-15 With PG Plus & at night try Topical Dutasteride ➡️ Duderma 1%

  31. I agree completely with your assessment. I read John's book and even the pitch line "This free book will show you the secret formula to effectively stop and reverse hair loss" is completely false. He gives no secret formula for stopping and reversing hair loss in his book. Unless we're supposed to believe taking a bunch of niacin every day and using a rubber scrub brush on our head is the secret formula for reversing hair loss? That's the only "secret" in the book. He's a great story teller though. He should write fantasy novels. I'm sure he'd be great at it.

    1. Yes, spot on. Unfortunately this is the reality of it.
      John's aim is to make as much money as possible from Adegen, while it lasts.
      It's a shame, though, because John clearly has a strong work ethic - it's just a pity he doesn't have the same values to match.

  32. I agree with the author. Adegen is an absolute farce. One of its products is minoxidil, which you can get anywhere. Kirkland minoxidil, for example, is far cheaper than Adegen's.

    As for the rest of Adegen's range, well, they're nothing special at all. Completely bog-standard, not revolutionary in the slightest.

    This John geezer is just a salesman. The fact he's had a hair transplant himself is hilarious. I was a member of his Facebook group, once, and it's no different to North Korea. It's like a dictaroship in there - It's John's narrative, or no narrative. It's packed with fake profiles, giving fake reviews. Terrible.

    Seriously, guys, if you want to tackle hair loss, then don't waste your money on this Adegen nonsense. It's complete rubbish. Anyone who says it's good is either working for John, or is John himself. You can tell, by looking at some of these butthurt comments, that most of the posters are John. Any normal person wouldn't be so defensive over a brand that's not their own.

    1. I tried all sorts of minoxidil but my hair never grew any baby hairs or fuzz

      Adegen worked but it is 3X the price of MinoxidilMax's DualGen-15 With PG Plus which also gave me fuzz/baby hairs

      It could be because both minox is at 15X instead of 5% when I first started with Rogaine & Lipogaine

      No baby hairs from the 5% but baby hairs/fuzz from the 15% plus DualGen-15 With PG Plus has other ingredients like topical finasteride, Retinol, Caffeine, Azelaic acid & their proprietary ABN Complex

  33. OK I switched from Adegen to DualGen-15 With PG Plus
    By the looks of the shampoo they are not the same product

    I don't remember if the Adegen shampoo is dark blue but the other shampoo was light green
    As for DualGen-15 With PG Plus, I can't tell, they all look similar lol
    but by looking at the shampoo, Adegen is not using MinoxidilMax's products

    Also from what I can tell DualGen-15 With PG Plus is working great! I'm having tons of baby hairs/fuzz on top so it looks like it's working at $50 from the $150 I was spending on the top of the line Adegen

    I think I might buy some Adegen & use it at night when I go to sleep
    I will put 1ML of it on my scalp

    See if my hair improves even more

  34. Ahh yes I've seen this sham of a brand over the past few years, and that's exactly what it is... a sham!
    Minoxidil is the only part of the brand that's valid, yet they charge you through the roof for theirs. Save yourself some money and go for a cheaper brand. Kirkland is a good option, and it's just as effective, All minoxidil is the SAME.
    Does John Goss have a license to sell minoxidil? He's not a doctor, as far as I know. That should really be looked into.
    The rest of the Adegen line is ineffective. It's just as futile as his spammy Facebook group. Lies, exaggerations, and more lies.
    Goss knows this, but he's completely in denial. He's somehow convinced himself that these crappy products work. If they did, he'd be shouting about them from the rooftops, surely. Not censoring people on social media.
    Seriously, people, stay clear of Adegen. There are far better treatments out there that actually work!

    1. Is That You John?30 August 2023 at 08:52

      Well said. The defensive comments on here are all blatantly John (or close associates to the Adegen brand). People are becoming more educated about hair loss these days, so this brand won't last much longer.

  35. Kudos to the author of this article, it's about time this brand got pulled up for what it is... a sham!
    These products are vastly overpriced, and the only effective aspect of the whole range is the minoxidil, which you can buy for a fraction of the price elsewhere.
    This reminds me of that other laughable brand TRX2, selling what is nothing more than a potassium pill! If they were cheap, I wouldn't complain so much, but these guys are charging through the roof for their ineffective products. It's outright greedy!

  36. I don't know if this product is gonna regrow a single hair of my head. But I had debilitating scalp itch and it was causing thinning and hair loss. I could barely make it through the day. I've tried 30 different shampoo's. Gone to 2 different dermatologists. And NOTHING helped, let alone worked, besides washing my hair in Aveno Oatmeal. But one wash with this ARB shampoo, and I knew it was different. Even if I don't re-grow a single hair back from my chronic telogen effluvium, this shampoo and the brushes have been life-changing and worth every penny so far! I'm not John and have no ties. To Adagen. I'm a radio DJ in Southern California! Google me! DM me. It's me!

  37. Who is this anonymous idiot, who keeps putting "Hi John"? You're the one hiding behind the anonymous! I've given you my name and occupation. I'm very google-able. I've invited you to DM me and nothing! Shocking! I'm gonna keep posting my progress on here just to spite you. And I will also tell you if Adagen is a Crock! Because, unlike the anonymous a$$, I'm actually just trying to help people like me! I do it all the time on the radio for products I've tried and I believe in. I REFUSE to do endorsements for products I don't believe in!

    1. Hi John.
      I think you should probably stop commenting now, because you are only embarrassing yourself and further demoting the Adegen brand.
      The vast majority of people know that Adegen is a waste of time, but that's ok, you should not despair, because there will always be the select few people who live in hope and therefore will buy your products. More fool them!

    2. And shame on you, Jesse, for pushing this crap. Shame on you!

  38. I think the reviewer is being kind to this sham of a company. I stumbled across this Adegen range a few days ago, and I have to say, it's absolutely shocking that they charge such extortionate amounts for a bunch of "treatments" that have in no way, shape or form, reshaped the hair loss sector.
    Minoxidil is the only proven formula in this range, but as many people have already said, it can be purchased for much cheaper under a different brand like Kirkland.
    A scalp massage shower brush can be purchased for under $5 on Amazon, and so can a derma roller. Do not waste your time and money on Adegen. It's really not worth it.

  39. Oh, I believe this is one of the best reviews I have ever read through. This might be conducive for your numerous readers, fan-followers and hair loving folks. The information and updates you explained in this post were extremely worth to trail to the end. I also was able to grab some important and remarkable information for your in-depth focuses though I believe the result sometime vary from person to person. What do you think?

  40. This review is spot on. I was looking at adegen products the other day, and I was foolishly considering buying some. but thankfully I came across this review, and I can safely say that I won't be wasting my money on this brand. Thank you David Griffiths. The internet needs more honest reviewers like you!

  41. Good review. It's nice to see Adegen being called out for what it is.
    Do not waste your money on this crap.

  42. Nice to see an honest review for a change. I've seen this Adegen brand a few times, I could tell it was just a load of overpriced rubbish, and this review confirms that.
    Hold onto your money folks, there are better treatments out there for a fraction of the price.

  43. Some of the comments on here defending this sham of a brand are hilarious. They're clearly comments from the owner trying to validate this crap.
    Do not waste you time and money on this range, it's so overpriced.

  44. This John Goss bloke is comical! Charging that kind of money for pieces of plastic that you can get for under a fiver on Amazon!! What a cheek!!! The whole Adegen brand is an absolute joke!!

  45. Adegen's topical solution contains minoxidil, therefore it's the only product in this range that will likely help with hair loss. As the article mentions, you can get minoxidil at much cheaper prices by purchasing brands like Kirkland. The rest of the Adegen range will not work. There's nothing revolutionary about Adegen's products.

  46. You should be ashamed of yourself to do a review on something you have never tried. And say such awful things. John has changed my life and many others lives. My hair tripled in thickness, and grew past a point it would never grow past before. I have pictures to prove it. And no the people in the Facebook group are not fake, they are real people with life changing hair results.

  47. Adegen is a SCAM! Avoid!
    This John Goss is a snake oil salesman. I was a member of his sham of a Facebook group, and he removed me and countless others for not saying what he wanted me to say.
    I feel embarrassed for this crook. I hope he's not made too much money from this.


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