How to Deal with a Receding Hairline

Receding hairline treatment

By K Ashton 

I think there's only one thing that is worse that a receding hairline - and that's a thinning crown! But still, both are bad enough, and if there's a way to tackle both patterns of hair loss, I'll take it!

My hairline started receding when I was in my mid-twenties, and now well into my thirties, I seem to have halted the pattern, somewhat. Through a carefully tried and tested hair care routine, I have noticed much less hair fall and far better hair growth - and when I say 'better', I mean stronger, faster and healthier growth.

Over the years, I have built up a good hair care routine that has enabled me to tackle hair loss. That's not to say my hair care plan would work for everyone, but I believe, in most cases, it is effective. 

A receding hairline isn't ideal, but it's not necessarily the end of the world. A receding hairline does not have to be the be all and end all, because it can be treated, minimised, and styled, to make you feel better about it. 

How to deal with the receding?

You'll notice that many famous faces such as David Beckham and Ryan Reynolds have receding hairlines, and that is absolutely normal for many men - it doesn't mean you are going to go completely bald. The vast majority of men experience slight receding of the hairline as they approach their thirties, and this should not be mistaken for male pattern baldness. It is only a 'maturing' of the hairline. 

A maturing hairline is most likely the reason for the slight receding at the temples, usually up to an inch or two back. But fear not, gents, as long as you do something about it early, you shouldn't really recede much more until you reach your forties or fifties. 

I think that, well certainly with me, most men just want to have as much hair as possible in their thirties than any other decade. Most men worry more about losing their hair before they hit 40, and I can completely relate to that.

Naturally, we want to hold onto our hair during the period in our life when we are likely to find a girl, settle down, have kids, etc. and by the time we reach our 40s, having a full head of hair doesn't seem as important to so many of us.

Here are some handy tips for a receding hairline:

  • Hairstyling - Styling a receding hairline does not mean you have to cover it up, necessarily. A widows peak hairline can actually make your facial look more masculine, and that's a real attraction for men women (and men). Superman actor, Henry Cavill has a receding hairline, but he compliments it by the way he styles his hair. If you're confident in your hair, you'll ooze attractiveness. 
  • Multivitamins - There isn't a cure for a receding hairline, but multivitamin hair supplements like HR23+ can help slow down and stop the recession, as well as promote the function of healthy hair growth. HR23+ can also help sprout new hairs in and around the hairline area. 
  • Micro Needling - Using a micro needling device, such as a derma roller, can help stop hair fall and stimulate hair regrowth. This technique can be particularly effective in conjunction with HR23+, and Nizoral shampoo. However, results will vary from person to person. 

If you are receding, then you'll want to avoid extra sticky, and gunky hair products and waxes. If you are already prone to hair loss, then damaging your hair, and pulling them out unnecessarily, should be avoided.

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Why is losing your hair so bad?

Suffering from any form of hair loss has to be the most confidence-sapping thing any man (or woman) can ever go through. I remember when I first started noticing my hair falling out, and I was absolutely devastated.

Luckily, at just 25 years of age (at the time), I acted quickly and I managed to turn things around somewhat, and halt the balding process with a solid hair care routine, consisting of treatments that work for me.

I think a lot of guys who start losing their hair at an early age all share the same feelings and emotions during the process. I can't imagine it's quite as bad going bald in your fifties when you are settled down with a wife and family, after enjoying your hair when it really mattered the most - when you were young.

Having thinning hair in your early twenties can be quite soul-destroying, and here are a few reasons why I found experiencing hair loss to be the most terrible thing in the world...

All your mates seem to have hair

For some reason, I started looking at the people around me when I started noticing my thinning scalp, and pretty much all my mates had normal, thick, full heads of hair. I know it sounds bad, but a part of me really wanted them to be suffering with baldness too, just so I didn't feel like the odd one out.

There isn't a cure

It doesn't matter how effective the treatments are, the bottom line is - there is still no cure for hair loss. Although I have managed to prevent balding, it would be really assuring to know that there is a cure for it.

Women hate bald men

Well, at least that's what most guys think. I'll admit, one of the first things I thought to myself after noticing my receding temples was: "I'm never going to find a hot girlfriend". I felt totally defeated, and I know if I ever go fully bald one day, I'll lose a heck of a lot of confidence, especially when it comes to women and dating.

It's slow and painful!

Don't get me wrong, for the most part, balding is a very slow and torturous process, but some men bald very quickly. Most men would just prefer to lose their hair quickly, so they can shave it all off and get on with their lives. 

I am not one of those men. I would much prefer to lose my hair slowly - that way it gives me more time to find a treatment that works - and that is exactly what happened. After tying a number of different products and treatments, I now have an effective hair care plan that has helped prevent hair fall and maintain a good healthy head of hair.

how to stop a receding hairline

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