Reverse Hair Loss with These 5 Simple Tips

5 ways to stop hair loss

By Melanie Diggs

I started suffering from androgenic alopecia (female pattern baldness) at an early age. I think I was in my early twenties when I first started noticing my hair getting thinner, with large clumps of strands on my hair brush, and in my shower plug hole every day.

It is unusual for a woman to suffer female pattern baldness as early as I did, as it is more common in men, however, I happened to be one of the very unlucky few women that experienced hair loss at such a young age. 

At fist, I thought it could just be a case of seasonal hair loss, or even stress-related shedding, but my wishful thinking was soon debunked when I went to see a specialist about the issue, and she confirmed that I was indeed experiencing a case of androgenic alopecia. 

I am now 31, and it's been around ten years since I started my battle with hair loss. I'm pleased to say that I am winning the battle, and much of that success is down to 5 key things... 

How did I reverse my hair loss? 

Treating hair loss isn't an easy task, because with these types of treatments, results tend to vary from person to person. I knew it wouldn't be easy, but I wasn't willing to go down without a fight, so I started researching treatments and ways that I could halt the excessive shedding, at the very least. 

From my research, findings, and practices, here is how I managed to halt the hair loss, and regrow much of the lost hair. I am not a specialist in hair loss, this is just my story and what worked for me...

Headstands can stimulate hair growth

I know it sounds crazy, but apparently, increasing blood flow to your head can help prevent hair loss and even stimulate hair growth. Now, this hasn't been scientifically proven, but I decided to give it a try, anyway, just to see if it would make any difference to my hair.

I currently do headstands for 15 minutes, three times a week. That's it. I have been doing this routine for around 12 months, and I have definitely noticed vast improvements in my hair. The texture and thickness of my strands appears fuller, and I experience much less hair fall. 

I also find this practice very relaxing - some form of meditation. 

Massaging the scalp can stimulate hair growth 

I had read many times that regular scalp massaging could help stimulate hair growth, and even hair regrowth. According to research, scalp massage increases hair thickness by stretching the cells of hair follicles. This, in turn, stimulates the follicles to produce thicker hair.

It's also thought that a scalp massage may help dilate blood vessels beneath the skin, thereby encouraging hair growth. So, with this in mind, I thought I would at least give this method a try, after all, it costs nothing, and it's very easy to do. 

I massage my scalp while I am in the shower, three times a week, for about five minutes each time. I find this practice to be very relaxing, and it feels like it re-energises the hairs along the scalp. My hair has definitely benefited from this. 

Green Tea can promote hair growth 

Drinking green tea, or consuming it through a supplement, can give excellent benefits to the hair, including hair regrowth, however, results tend to vary from person to person. 

Rather than drink green tea (which I don't particularly like), I decided to purchase an anti-hair loss shampoo that contains green tea, along with nettle leaf extract, which is also good for hair loss prevention, and hair loss promotion. 

When I apply this shampoo (three times a week), I massage my scalp, as mentioned, for around five minutes, before washing out. The scalp massage, along with this shampoo, has revolutionised my hair.

Eating protein can stimulate stronger hair growth 

We all know that protein is an essential component to the stimulation of healthy hair growth. A high protein diet has shown to be great for the locks, which is why I always aim to get plenty of high-protein foods into my daily eating plan.

Protein-rich foods like eggs, fish, chicken, lentils, beans, and meat, all play their roles in promoting the function of healthier, stronger, and faster growing hair. 

Biotin (Vitamin B7) is essential for the production of a hair protein called keratin. Research has also shown that consuming more biotin can help improve hair growth in people with a biotin deficiency. This is why I take an additional biotin supplement, daily. 

Good supplementation can do wonders for the hair

Multivitamin extract supplements can help prevent the effects of thinning hair, and support the function of healthy hair growth in men and women. I have always used multivitamin extract supplements, and to be fair, they've always worked well for my hair. 

Viviscal and Nutrafol offer excellent benefits to the hair, but HR23+ is widely regarded as the most effective multivitamin extract hair supplement on the market. I started using HR23+ a few years ago, and trust me when I say, it's an absolute gamechanger. 

I have seem visible improvements in my hair from using HR23+, and now I am on it, I wouldn't use any other multivitamin extract supplement for my hair.   

hair growth supplement for female hair loss

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